The Diploma in Theology Programme is a two year (four semester) programme aimed at providing a holistic training that enables the graduates to be academically sound, theologically grounded and practically empowered to act as dynamic Christian leaders of local, national and global communities by becoming sensitive to the spiritual, ethical, social and economic demands of contemporary society.

Minimum Qualifications: Applicants to be admitted for the Diploma in Theology programme will be required to have the following minimum qualifications:
i. WASSCE/SSCE: At least 5 credit passes in WASSCE (A1-C6) and SSCE (A-D) in Core English, Core Mathematics, Core Science, or Social Studies, and two elective subjects.
ii. General Business Certificate Examination (GBCE): Credit passes in five (5) subjects, including English Language, Mathematics, Integrated Science, or Social Studies.
iii. Applicants with a Certificate in Theology and Ministry-related courses from a recognized institution.
iv. Mature Students: Applicants not having any of the entry qualifications listed above and having attained the age of 25 years can apply but will be required to write and pass an entrance examination.
Deadline for application: 15th February 2024
Further Information:
a) All programme are run at the premises of Global Theological Seminary (GTS) at No. 1 Adjeikai Street, West-Adentan off SDA Junction.
b) Interested persons should please contact our website, www.gts.edu.gh for an application form to download to fill or fill in directly and submit either as a
• Soft copy to the email addresses: programmecoordinator@gts.edu.gh or registrar@gts.edu.gh;
• Hard copy to the Office of the Assistant Registrar, Acadenic at GTS, No. 1 Adjekai Street, West-Adentan off SDA Junction.
c) You can also obtain the application form from the Office of the Assistant Registrar, Academic at GTS, No. 1 Adjeikai Street, West-Adentan off SDA Junction
d) You can also call or WhatsApp the Assistant Registrar, Academic, via +233 (0) 54 828 5996 for further inquiries, clarifications, or to express your interest in participating.
e) Payment of GHS 200.00 as application fee for Diploma programme respectively, to MOMO number 0549080126
Kindly download the application form below by clicking the button