Certificate in Christian Ministry


The Certificate in Christian Ministry programme provides the opportunity for students to explore the biblical, historical and practical essentials of Christian ministry and leadership. The programme is taught by highly qualified faculty members who have the calling and passion to provide professional guidance for ministerial formation. The course is highly recommended for Pastors and church workers such as Catechists, Church Elders, Presbyters, Deacons, Deaconesses, Bible Teachers, Leaders of Bible Study, Discussion Groups, Home Cell Leaders, and Church Administrators.


The programme is taught by highly qualified faculty members who have the calling and passion to provide professional guidance for ministerial formation. In view of the above, the course is highly recommended for church workers such as Catechists, Church Elders, Presbyters, Deacons, Deaconesses, Bible Teachers, Leaders of Bible Study, Discussion Groups, Home Cell Leaders, and Church Administrators.

Minimum Qualifications: Applicants to be admitted for the Certificate in Christian Ministry programme will be required to have the following minimum qualifications:

     i. A Christian

     ii.Ability to read, understand and write the English Language

Deadline for application: 19th January 2024

Further Information:

a) All programmes are run at the premises of Global Theological Seminary, (GTS) at No. 1 Adjeikai Street, West-Adentan off SDA Junction.

b) Interested persons should please contact our website, www.gts.edu.gh for an application form, download to fill or fill in directly and submit either as a

• Soft copy to the email addresses: coordinator-ccbce@gts.edu.gh / registrar@gts.edu.gh; or

• Hard copy to the Office of the Assistant Registrar, Acadenic at GTS, No. 1 Adjekai Street, West-Adentan off SDA Junction.

c) You can also obtain the application form from the Office of the Assistant Registrar, Academic at GTS, No. 1 Adjeikai Street, West-Adentan off SDA Junction

d) You can also call or WhatsApp the Assistant Registrar, Academic on +233 (0) 244687761 for further inquiries, clarifications or to express your interest to participate.

e) Payment of   Ghs 150.00 as application fee for  Certificate programess  to momo number 0549080126

Kindly download Application Form below by clicking the button