The Centre for Capacity Building and Continuing Education (CCB&CE) was established primarily to provide opportunities for all manner of people to acquire and share new knowledge, skills, values and attitudes for enhanced performance in their field of calling. The Centre in mandated to mount both academic and non-academic programmes which are expected to be eventually mainstreamed into the programmes of the emerging Global Evangelical University Collage.
Currently, the Centre runs only non-pastoral certificate courses for various categories of lay church leaders such as Catechists, Evangelists, Presbyters and Counsellors as well as skills development programmes in Music, Liturgy, and Worship, and leadership for Church Ministries and groups.

Vision of Centre
A world class learning centre whose products can compete favourably in the local and global environment.
Mission of the Centre
- To deliver practical learning experiences to all manner of persons through relevant and quality continuing education courses and capacity programmes.
- To enable graduates of courses and programmes to unleash (let loose) their innate potentials for life and livelihood solutions
Conceptual Framework
The name of the Centre contains two main educational concepts namely “Capacity Building” and “Continuing Education”.
Capacity Building
The term “Capacity Building” is a process by which individuals, organisations, institutions and societies develop abilities to perform functions or accomplish tasks, solve problems or make and implement decisions as well as to set and achieve objectives in a sustainable manner. It entails the following:
- Increasing knowledge, skills, attitudes and values through training and education
- The acquisition and application of appropriate technology
- The mobilization and judicious usage of available resources
- Creating an enabling environment in terms of appropriate policy and legal framework, institutional capacity and managerial system
Continuing Education
The term “Continuing Education” is similar to the concept of “further education” and is also an integral part of “Adult Education” as well as “life-long education”. The basic assumption is that the person enrolling unto a continuing education programme must have already had secondary education and is simply “Continuing” or furthering”. It entails the following:
- To create opportunities for persons who dropped out of school to return to school to complete general education requirements
- An opportunity for those who could not make the desired grades to further their education to improve on their existing grades
- To enable people occupying upwardly mobile positions to acquire further credentials or new knowledge and skills for easy upward mobility
- Working adults who do not have the freedom to simply quit their jobs and go back to school full-time are offered the chance to attend school as part-time students
Admission Requirements
Participants to be admitted for the course/programme will be required to have the basic knowledge and ability to read and write English Language.
CBCE 101: Biblical Counselling I |
CBCE 201: Biblical Counselling II |
CBCE 301: Biblical Counselling III |
CBCE 104: Christian Ministry I |
CBCE 204: Christian Ministry II |
CBCE 304: Christian Ministry III |
CBCE 404: Christian Ministry IV |
CBCE 106: Christian Service Session I |
CBCE 206: Christian Service Session II |
CBCE 306: Christian Service Session III |
CBCE 406: Christian Service Session IV |